Apr 21, 2010

mental expression

hey, bile aku nk post entry,kbiasaan aku post pendek2,yg ngarut2,malas aku nk pike pnjg2 utk post entry,aku xske bermadah2 pelik,mnggunakan bahasa yg berat,yang cantek,aku ngan care aku,korg bosan tayah bace,hahahaha,ni ape yg aku rase nk taip...aku taip je,agk2 nk stop tulih tu aku stop la,blog ni bg aku teman aku utk luahkn pe yg aku rase, aku ni nk bermadah xreti ar...aku direct je...ko nk tacing ngan aku lantak korg...hehehe,aku da xde nk tapis2 da...lantak pi ar,uhuiii...arini 21hb april 2010, aku gak kebosanan,byk yg perlu aku setelkn,ekonomi sndiri xstabil, ibarat aku ni da cm xde tpt nk bgantung..aku cume ikut je kaki aku mne nk pegi,kat situ die stop,stop ar,nk gi PD ke, TC ke,Ipoh ke,lantak ko...da x terikat,aku nk wat jahat ke, nk wat baek ke,bkn nye org taw pon,keep it low beb,kalo tu yg buat aku rase nk buat..aku buat..tp pikir la..jgn wat bnde gile...tuhan syg lg makhluk NYA..aku akan hindarkan bnde2 yg bukan2..aku akan mngadap sejadah utk sekian kali nye..aku akan bertaubat..insyaAllah...ketentuan itu dtg dr atas sane..kite je yg boleh ubah nasib kite sndiri...skali ko langkah...skali ko jln disitu...ko da pilih jalan tu...tuhan xkan ubah nasib sesorg tu melaenkn diri nye sndiri mngubah nye...brubah matlamat aku...xkn la aku nk berade ditakuk yg lame...mcm ni je...life yg boring...nk gi mne xde duet...keje nk boros je...come on la..stgh rakan tahu aku bgaimana,tahu naseb aku bgaimana..aku syg semua knangn ngan kawan2...aku rindu korg...keje aku mkn gaji je beb..aku ni dimate stgh org agak bongok+bingai+binguang....aku kdg2 xlarat nk jge ati org len...sdangkn ati sndiri xdijage..aku xnk la aku yg asyik saket...aku pnat deal ngan skeliling...aku pon nk besronok...mntak gak ade org len jga ati aku plak...tabiat lame xleyh nk patah balek da...come on la...ko da besar la azzam...luar ko nmpak hepi...ati ko, ko sorg je taw ape yg ko rase...silence is noble!remmber that...tiba mase utk berubah...berubah mnjadi org...org yg tahu jga diri sndiri...jgn ikut je ape org buat...ko buat hal ko...damn!aku tanak ar lepak kt mapley time solat jumaat lg...tp aku sedey gak...yg lepak2 kt situ pon apak2...bwk anak siap...xkn la aku nk jadi cmtu gak time da tua nnt...da pndai ajar anak wat cmtu...jgn la sasar kn aku sbgai punca...aku xlarat wei...mmber2 aku sume tnye pndapat aku...ikut korg ar...korg lak ar wat keputusan...asyik2 aku je...letih awak ni haaa...huhuhu...nway...keep on moving...silence is noble...no need anybody...rmmber u still hav ur own heart to take care off....MUCHA'S GRACIAS

bender...ko xserong kn...ko jgn ar ingt gender bender lak kn...ko ni pon kpale otak da karat sgt ke...adoy...aku straight...ko pon straight ar...songai!


  1. wah wah wah... bermadah hebat nampak brader... hehe...

    aku ingat kan kau ni dah boleh kena azan kat teliga dah nih... kronik...

    but its a good thing that u realize it now rather then later... hahaha see GOD works in very mysterious ways brother... see from a crazy ass mofo u bout to turn to a new leaf... keep it up... true that brah... nobody will take care of you except yourself... no matter how long u've been together with that somebody doesnt matter 9 years 9 month or 9 days... in the end its your life... come end of the month we GO PARTY!!!...

  2. i will always support u. no matter what i will always by your side (:

  3. suprisingly we oways turn away from HIM but HE nvr ever leave us..n especialy u...many ppl love u...d question is not how ppl will love u but how u will love them.n org akn mnyayangi kita bile kita mnyayangi dr sndr...remind 4 u n myself: never ever hurt mama n bpk again...make them cry is not in our dictionary...i wana say 1 thing coz i love u..'change before its 2 late'...ix tru dat 'msh blum tlambat untk brubah'...but wat if "terlambat"?there's no tyme 4 regret then...they are getting older n ix our duty 2 make them happy..i love u..n try 2 say dos 3 words 2 mama n bapak full heartedly..ix actually belong to them..not 2 our gf @ bf...take care...hope 2 c new u...n mis d old u...
